"Josei Tenku no Mori" is located in Taketa City, Oita Prefecture, overlooking the mountains of the Kyushu Alps, and has three facilities: an auto campsite, a hot spring with a private family bath, and a cafe where you can enjoy dishes made with local ingredients. A complex resort facility with The owner, who was originally from Nagayu, created a space that was handcrafted with the desire to "create a facility where people can enjoy nature," allowing you to spend a relaxing moment becoming one with nature. The vast nature that spreads out in front of you, where you can see a sea of clouds, and at night the sky is full of stars and ever-changing scenery, is truly a paradise in the sky, where you can forget about the hustle and bustle of everyday life and feel refreshed.
Private baths used to be associated with luxury inns, but more and more day-trip hot spring facilities are now offering them. You can enjoy a bath in a private room, making it ideal not only for couples on a date but also for families with children. You can relax without worrying about being seen by others. Some facilities even offer private rooms that include both indoor and open-air baths, allowing you to indulge in a luxurious experience.
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常聖 天空の杜
"Josei Tenku no Mori" is located in Taketa City, Oita Prefecture, overlooking the mountains of the Kyushu Alps, and has three facilities: an auto campsite, a hot spring with a private family bath, and a cafe where you can enjoy dishes made with local ingredients. A complex resort facility with The owner, who was originally from Nagayu, created a space that was handcrafted with the desire to "create a facility where people can enjoy nature," allowing you to spend a relaxing moment becoming one with nature. The vast nature that spreads out in front of you, where you can see a sea of clouds, and at night the sky is full of stars and ever-changing scenery, is truly a paradise in the sky, where you can forget about the hustle and bustle of everyday life and feel refreshed.