"Yuya Harune" stands in a corner of Yuno Onsen in Shunan City, Yamaguchi. They have three types of hot spring facilities: private hot springs, saunas, and large communal baths. The theme of the private hot spring is Yakushi Nyorai. "Tsubotsubo" is an open space where you can also take a bath in the outside air, with a bathtub shaped like the medicinal pot held by the Yakushi Nyorai in his left hand. In addition, the word "koukou," which represents a shining white light, is an image of the moonlight bodhisattva standing next to Yakushi Nyorai, and you can enjoy the feeling of bathing in dim moonlight even during the day. The public bath has been renovated while retaining the form of Yunoso, which closed in 2022, so fans of the old days will feel nostalgic.
Why not enjoy a day trip to a hot spring where you can relax your mind and body? It's great that you can go there on the day you want without having to worry about what to bring. The number of facilities with natural hot springs, bedrock baths, saunas, spa menus, etc. is increasing, and we will introduce you to the ever-evolving appeal of day trip hot springs.
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湯や 晴ル音
"Yuya Harune" stands in a corner of Yuno Onsen in Shunan City, Yamaguchi. They have three types of hot spring facilities: private hot springs, saunas, and large communal baths. The theme of the private hot spring is Yakushi Nyorai. "Tsubotsubo" is an open space where you can also take a bath in the outside air, with a bathtub shaped like the medicinal pot held by the Yakushi Nyorai in his left hand. In addition, the word "koukou," which represents a shining white light, is an image of the moonlight bodhisattva standing next to Yakushi Nyorai, and you can enjoy the feeling of bathing in dim moonlight even during the day. The public bath has been renovated while retaining the form of Yunoso, which closed in 2022, so fans of the old days will feel nostalgic.